Pinus Radiata

Technical Features
Crafted from Radiata Pine, the H3 FJ Primed Pine stands out with its LOSP (Light Organic Solvent Preservative) treatment, delivering a formidable barrier against fungal decay, rot, and termite invasions. Its soft and low-density nature not only facilitates easy workability but also ensures a robust hold for nails and screws. With the combined strength of its H3 classification and LOSP coating, it promises extended durability for all outdoor applications.
Visual Features
Porta offers the H3 FJ Primed Pine, enriched with LOSP treatment, and finished with a green water-based primer, set for your painting needs.
H3 FJ Primed Pine, treated with LOSP, is effortlessly workable using standard tools. Its low density ensures a strong grip on nails and screws. Pre-coated with a water-based primer, this product is paint-ready.
H3 FJ Primed Pine (LOSP Treated) is ideal for a variety of above-ground external applications such as window & door trims, decks and patios, frames and mouldings, and outdoor trims etc.
Technical Data Sheet & Technical Design Guide for Queensland
Timber Handrails & Balustrades Technical Data Sheet (QLD)
Issued by Timber Queensland. This data sheet provides general guidance on member sizes, connections and suitable materials for the construction of handrails and balustrades. The information provided in this data sheet does not preclude the use of manufacturer’s proprietary information where this satisfies the requirements of the regulatory authority.